
Recrutement de 01 ECHO- Project Manager

Localité : Mozambique / Maputo
Domaine : Transport et Logistique
Niveau : Non precise
Entreprise recruteur : Plan International

Recrutement de 01 ECHO- Project Manager
Niveau d'études: Non précisé
Expérience: 7 ans
Expire le: 31-03-2023

Plan International
Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
Humanitaire (ONG, Associations, ...), Projet/programme de développement
ECHO- Project Manager

Date: 16-Mar-2023

Location: Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

Company: Plan International

Plan International is a rights-based development and humanitarian organization working for better lives for all children. We are independent of government and have no political or religious affiliation. Our purpose is to strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.

Our global strategy has a specific focus on girls, as they are often the most marginalized and most often left behind. We have committed ourselves to the ambitious target of reaching 100 million girls over 5 years, to ensure they can learn, lead, decide and thrive. This is our contribution to reaching the sustainable development goals, and in particular the goals on gender equality. Our organization is transforming itself to meet this enormous challenge everywhere we work. We need bold, forward-thinking and innovative individuals to lead our country operations, driving change and delivering results that will allow us to reach our target of 100 million girls.

In Mozambique, we are working to eradicate early marriage and early pregnancy through projects that focus on adolescent girls in Inhambane, Sofala, Zambézia, Nampula and Cabo Delgado provinces. These projects are programmed along our four strategic pillars: Education, Skills and Opportunities for work, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights, Protection
Our work is gender transformative and includes influencing work at national and sub-regional level.
Plan has secured a two years project fund from ECHO to implement an Education in Emergencies project which integrates CPIE and WASH activities in Cabo Delgado province.

The position holder will, therefore, be responsible to lead and manage effectively the implementation of ECHO project in Cabo Delgado province. The position holder will be responsible for ensuring that the project is implemented in accordance with INEE and Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) and Plan International’s education and Child Protection in Emergency policies, procedures and existing operational guidelines in all the targeted locations within the given budget and timeline as agreed with the donor. Provide operational and monitoring and evaluation oversight while adhering to reporting requirements and directing actions to achieve project objectives.

Reports to: Director of Programmes, Strategy and Implementation

Key Relationships
Internal: The job holder will have close working functional relationships with Education in Emergency and Child Protection in Emergency team. In additions, he/she is expected to work in collaboration with respective, ERMs and EiE & CPiE project team. The job holder will have also close working relationship internally with the following departments and/or functions:

Programmes: Day to day line management relationship to ensure program quality. For project/programme implementation and performance; networking and coordination, and for ensuring strong collaboration with project leads and managers. For project/programme design and to ensure programme quality; Project designs, thematic discussions, project and budget performance, sharing learning and lessons
Business Development: For project/ programme designs and related processes;
Communications & Advocacy Specialist: designing campaigns, advocacy, organizing international and national events, documentation of lessons and best practices pertinent to the project;
EiE and CPiE networks at Plan’s regional and global level: Learning and sharing and overall coordination and joint influencing
Others: work internally in collaboration with other units including HR, Supply Chain, Finance and crosscutting sections such as MERL and Communications

External: The job holder has a close working relationship externally with the following departments and/or functions:

Partners: Working in partnership with staff of other humanitarian organization to ensure that EiE and CPiE projects are implemented in full understanding and engagement of key stakeholders
Stakeholders: Creates and maintains regular contact and collaborative work with government offices at provincial level particularly to the offices of Education, Women and Social Affairs, finance and economic development, etc.
National alliances, technical working groups and networks on EiE and CPiE and related themes: Coordination, leadership and sharing of experiences and capacity building among government partners and NGOs at national and regional level.
National CSOs: Engagement in the development and delivery of standards and guides on EiE and CPiE, joint assessments, etc

Moderate contact: Low frequency of interaction with children

The position is typical office environment with about 40% travel

Plan has a performance management and accountability matrix SOP. Every position holder is expected to adhere to the SOP and review and review her/his responsibility against the accountability matrix.

Strategic Leadership (35%)
Manage and lead the project related strategic liaison with donor, national offices (NOs), and government stakeholders;
Demonstrate leadership and accountability in relation to Plan International policies and practices with respect to EiE and CPiE, overall technical leadership, programming, policy influencing & advocacy, capacity building, people development, partnership, representation, studies and evaluations of the two sectors.
Provide leadership and oversight in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all the EiE and CPiE project activities; assess the outputs, outcomes and impact of program interventions and activities.
Act as resource person in the organisation for EiE and CPiE and keep oneself up-to- date with developments happening in this field both nationally and internationally.
Play leadership role in formulating country specific policies, strategies and objectives on youth employment and entrepreneurship for quality programming.
Regularly develop and submit progress reports, status updates and briefs on emerging
issues to relevant team members.
Takes accountability for the quality implementation and closure of the project to improve Plan International’s work and impact.

Strategic Partnership, Networking & Collaboration (25%)
Represent the organization in relevant national and regional forums and platforms at international level concerning EiE and CPiE.
Develop strategic partnerships with key constituencies to elicit support for and maximize impact of Plan’s work
Develop and implement policy advocacy action plan related to EiE and CPiE using all relevant tools and techniques and in close collaboration with the Influencing and communication’s team. This will include, but not be limited to, developing policy briefs, advocacy messages, organizing conferences and seminars, etc.
Proactive engagement in internal and external environment, networks, collations and alliances (Plan international regional forums, EiE, CPiE and related technical working groups)
Actively build and maintain collaborative relationships with colleagues and partners, facilitating and negotiating to reach practical solutions for all parties, often without using positional power.

Resource Mobilization (15%)
Lead and deliver quality project/programme development in line with PIE’s country strategy to compete in funding opportunities (scanning the situations, come up with innovation and also consider sustainability and also impact of the projects and programmes).
Present and share lessons, best practices, approaches and tested models for donors, government and other stakeholders, partners and alliances to further scaling up and reach wider beneficiaries as well as influencing and attracting more resources.

Technical support (25%)
Monitor regularly and review the projects performance on a monthly basis, identifying and agreeing on action points and mitigation plans with key project stakeholders and Plan International NOs to ensure that performance is on track;
Ensure the development and application of common standard project management tools and practices for project planning, implementation, monitoring, learning and reporting across all the project locations;
Provide review of identified key risks, triggers and contingency plans related to the project and support PA/ERA Offices to ensure that risks are being effectively managed;
Work with Plan International’s National Offices, MERL Team, and other technical specialists such as knowledge management, innovation and communications to establish effective monitoring systems are in place and the project receives the required support from respective specialists and thereby quality is improved;
Review work plans, procurement approaches and key project elements, including through a value for money lens, contributing to effective programming and accountability to the donor;
Work closely with colleagues at the various locations and departments to maintain an accurate and timely budget analysis of the grants, maintain detailed understanding of budget flows, and the impact of this on budget forecasting;
Hold regular communication and discussion with regional project coordinators to review project implementation progress; discuss financial performances; lead discussions on necessary and timely budget realignments, and provide oversight of budget revisions with NOs, Senior Grant Accountant and Finance Accountant and BDC.
Oversee implementation of education and child protection in emergency project activities ensuring that services are delivered on time, on budget and in compliance with donor regulations;
Work with Coordinators and ensure education and child protection program is implemented in ways responsive to communities, stakeholders, and children in line with Plan International principles, values, procedures and strategic plan;
Supervise CPiE and EiE staff on their day-to-day work and provide them with hands-on technical support and guidance;
Monitor project progress against both programmatic and budgetary targets, adjusting as deemed necessary to project implementation as necessary in consultation with the CO EiE and CPiE Technical team;
Prepare timely and high-quality project and donor reports on project activities in compliance with internal Plan International requirements and any relevant external donor requirements;
Undertake ongoing needs assessments, capacity assessments of local stakeholders and identify needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency;
Build the capacity of Plan Mozambique staff, and strategic partners to promote EiE and CPiE with specific emphasis on building adolescent girls’ and young women’s life- and business skills and link them to employment and/or entrepreneurship opportunities; while also working closely with the private sector to respond to market demands; support government initiatives; engage with training and finance providers; and also mobilize the support from parents and communities.
Ensure the application of a range of evidence-based strategies and approaches at Plan Mozambique to inform quality programming and policy engagement in EiE and CPiE
Applying strategies to strengthen the resilience and preparedness for EiE and CPiE services and information, ensuring continuity during humanitarian crises of different sorts.
Develop tools and relevant guiding documents and manuals to systematically strengthen Plan Mozambique’s EiE and CPiE programming and policy influencing work
Provide demand driven technical support to key departments and units within PIMZ (Program Quality & Operations, Humanitarian Department. Influencing and Communications; Business Development; Program Areas) and ensure high quality programme (design & implementation) and influencing work. This will include designing, conducting and coordinating training programmes, technical field visits, development and dissemination of guidance material, etc.
Support and coach colleagues, partners, children and young people to develop their capability and take more responsibility.
Document, share and storage of best practices and lessons learned as deemed necessary.

Budget management:
Serve as overall budget holder for the ECHO funded project;
Prepare and compile annual plans, budgets, quarterly and annual reports for the project based on donors, government other stakeholder’s requirements;
Make periodic program and budget revisions as required in consultation with donors, NO focal persons, BDD and Grant and Finance Coordinators;
Ensure effective and efficient utilization of project budget and other resources for the intended purpose;
Ensure that finance planning and reports are in line with the project agreement and requirements from donors and governments as needed.

Monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance:
In coordination with MEAL Team, supports the Field and Area Offices to design results-based monitoring and evaluation process for the project;
Regularly follow-up and monitor the project to ensure proper and efficient implementation;
Plan and facilitate regularly scheduled reviews of projects with both internal and external stakeholders;
Coordinate and facilitate assessments and evaluation exercises on regular basis;
Capture, knowledge and experiences from the learning process and replicate good practices;
Ensure the proper utilization and use of monitoring and evaluation systems;
Prepare and compile quarterly, annual and other interim reports for the project based on donors and stakeholders’ requirements;

External representation, coordination and capacity building:
Work closely with government stakeholders, UN agencies and affected communities including children throughout the course of project including planning, implementation and M&E exercises;
Ensure that partnerships are maintained and functioning properly as per signed contract agreement;
Maintain regular communication and interaction with stakeholders to facilitate and promote learning and information sharing;
Provide technical support to stakeholders in the course of project implementation;
Take advantage of opportunities for different kinds of partnership to ensure enhanced quality program implementation;
Continuously identify and document education and child protection issues in the project area, and ensure that relevant stakeholder and duty bearers are informed;
Identify and develop case studies for the purpose of reporting, advocacy and influencing efforts.


Set and communicate ambitious but realistic work goals and priorities, explaining how these contribute to Plan International's purpose.
Set high standards for self and others' behaviour, inside and outside work. Championing our values and commitment to rights, gender equality and safeguarding. Supporting the health, well-being and both physical and psychological safety of our staff, including their safety to speak out.
Hold self and others to account for what we have agreed, dealing with poor performance quickly, firmly and constructively.
Create a positive team spirit, helping people work well together, to reflect and continuously improve the efficiency and quality of what we do.
Collaborate with team members, colleagues and partners in finding creative solutions to problems by sharing information, experience and ideas and actively seeking their input.
Motivate and developing others by taking an interest, giving constructive feedback and praise, ensuring they are properly trained and helping them develop their potential.
Positive about change and support others in adjusting to it, helping them understand.
Actively promotes diversity, gender equality and inclusion both internally and externally.
Creates a climate of continuous improvement and practical innovation, open to challenge and new ideas.
Courageous, pro-active, and self-aware in tackling tough issues and working with others to implement practical solutions.
Reflective and pro-active in developing and applying own technical expertise, keeping up to date with trends in theory and practice, and learning from others.
Uses rigorous investigation and clear, balanced analysis of complex evidence to inform decisions and drive change.
Communicates clearly, both in speaking and writing, adjusting to the needs and interests of diverse colleagues, partners, policy makers, and communities.
Understands and adheres to the policies, processes, practices and standards relevant to own work and helps others do likewise.

Can succinctly articulate the purpose, values, and global strategy to a range of audiences. Can explain how Plan International will deliver on its objectives through the theory of change and communicates the implications for their team.
Understands the purpose, lines of accountability and decision-making capacity for each structural element of the organization. Helps their team to understand where they sit within the organizational structure.
Supports their team to understand the local operating environment and to consider the implications for work activities. Adjusts work activities and practices to reflect the political, financial, social and cultural context.
Manages risk in accordance to the local and global appetites and tolerances; including full compliance with Plan International’s core risk-related standards.
Contributes to strategic planning activities.
Understands the procurement cycle and supply chain, including the importance of good procurement planning.
Schedules and manages resource aligned to donor and organisational requirements and individual capacity.
Manages internal and external projects in accordance with the project management and MERL principles.
Manages performance by providing clear objectives, access to developmental tools and opportunities for coaching and mentoring.
Cascades knowledge throughout the organisation by sharing key messages, having team meetings and working collaboratively with other teams or departments.
Factors workforce needs into work plans, supports performance management and staff development especially through assessment, feedback and coaching.
Effective communication in speaking and writing for different audience in line with brand and use of internal/external communication channel and methods.
Practices evidence-based management using research and analytical skills.
Identifies digital enablers to improve work practices and uses digital and technological skills and tools.

Understanding linkages and complementarity between EiE and CPiE.
Understanding and applying evidence-based strategies, methodologies and approaches to the provision of community based EiE and CPiE.
Applying strategies to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of essential EiE and CPiE services and information, ensuring continuity during humanitarian crises of different sorts.
Coaching and training of project staff, partners, stakeholders on key concepts, approaches and modalities in the provision of EiE and CPiE integrated services.
Inclusion - the integration of inclusion measures in Plan’s core business, particularly its programme and influencing work. It includes knowledge on how gender intersects with other markers of identity (e.g. race, disability, sexual diversity) and subsequently affects children’s ability to enjoy their rights. Developing target-specific approaches for different marginalized groups is key to this specialism.
Social and gender norm change - the integration of social, and especially gender, norm change approaches into programme interventions. This includes knowledge around positive deviance, intergenerational dialogues, working with boys and young men; skills to conduct gender norm research, design, and evaluation methodologies to address the root causes of gender inequality.



Qualifications/ experience essential:
Master’s Degree in Psychology, Education planning and Management, Sociology, Social Work, and other related fields.
At least 7 years of relevant experience as Grant Accountant / Grant Finance/Grant Manager which at least 3 years in managerial position with NGOs in leading programs/ projects or demonstrated equivalent combination.
Demonstrable experience of managing integrated EiE and CPiE projects is highly desirable.
Comprehensive understanding of relevant governments policies, strategies, programs and priorities related to EiE and CPiE.
Proactive engagement and networking on EiE and CPiE sectors in Mozambique
Experience in designing & facilitating training for staff and partners using participatory methodologies
Knowledge and experience in rights based and gender transformative programming and influencing
Knowledge of the child protection in emergencies sector including protection risks and response interventions.
In-depth knowledge of project cycle management and child centred community development programming.
Knowledge of development and humanitarian issues, trends, challenges and opportunities and implications to child protection.
Knowledge of child protection in emergencies and education in emergencies standards, principles and procedures.

Qualifications/ experience desirable:
Knowledge of development issues, trends, challenges and opportunities and implications to community development.
Demonstrable experience on development and humanitarian nexus will be highly desirable

Languages required
Fluency in Portuguese and English language is essential
Knowledge of Local Languages is a desirable


We are open and accountable
We create a climate of trust inside and outside the organization by being open, honest and transparent. We hold ourselves and others to account for the decisions we make and for our impact on others, while doing what we say we will do.

We strive for lasting impact
We strive to achieve significant and lasting impact on the lives of children and young people, and to secure equality for girls. We challenge ourselves to be bold, courageous, responsive, focused and innovative.

We work well together
We succeed by working effectively with others, inside and outside the organization, including our sponsors and donors. We actively support our colleagues, helping them to achieve their goals. We come together to create and implement solutions in our teams, across Plan International, with children, girls, young people, communities and our partners.

We are inclusive and empowering
We respect all people, appreciate differences and challenge inequality in our programmes and our workplace. We support children, girls and young people to increase their confidence and to change their own lives. We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential

Women Highly Encouraged to Apply

Advert closes 31st March, 2023

Early application is encouraged as we will review applications throughout the advertising period and reserve the right to close the advert early. A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International's Child Protection Policy.

As an international child-centered community development organisation, Plan International is fully committed to promoting the realisation of children's rights including their right to protection from violence and abuse. That means we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with.

Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. We must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk. Plan International operates an equal opportunities policy and actively encourages diversity, welcoming applications from all areas of the international community

Plan International doesn't charge any monies to applicants for employment opportunities. Some individuals are contacting people offering false employment opportunities. We take such a matter extremely seriously, and by making you aware of this, we hope to avoid and ultimately stop victims falling for this scam

Partager cette offre d'emploi avec ses connaissances sur



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Plusieurs structures nous font confiance !